Friday, November 12, 2010

Can someone please explain myself to me

i've got some large honkin' feet
um yah.  size 10.
now, they haven't always been this big
for many years i was rockin' a size 9
two babies later....size 10 it is
seriously what is up with that...babies????
why would my feet grow after babies?

anyways....tonight, David Crowder Band
me, my family and friends went to see the David Crowder Band
if you've never hear of them, look 'em up
seriously...go do that now
They are awesome
a w e s o m e
I had never seen that man before tonight
love love his quirky style
love his voice and songs
so super good

my foot's a size 10
for some reason, there's times i'll buy a 9 1/2
s q u e e z e  my size 10 foot in a 9 1/2
makes me feel like my feet look a little less.....well, big I guess

all that jumping around tonight
loving me some david crowder
in my size 9 1/2 shoes

And, well feet hurt


  1. I hear ya! Mine went up a size too. Drat, now I have to hunt around for the places that sell the boat sized ones... sigh. Good thing those babies are cute right?!?

  2. Ha ha...mine haven't got longer, but I think they grew width wise. Lucky me, I have Flinstone feet!
