Monday, November 8, 2010


Typically, weekends around here are pretty full.  We've got sports to watch, church activities to attend, errands to run, sometimes people to see, and other times new things to explore.   The usual weekend will come to end Sunday eve with some slow-paced family time at home.  And I like our weekends, I love doing all of it.

Monday morning rolls in and it's a quick get up and get ready.  Mike goes off to work, I make sure the kiddos are fed and are ready for their first day of the week back to school.  And then they're off to school.  But then...I walk back into the house and everybody's gone.  The house is quiet.  It's really quiet.   

It's really, really quiet.  *sly grin*  You see Monday is my no commitment day.  It's been a day for me to do some grocery shopping if needed, some cleaning, homework or catch up with whatever.  I get to fill in the blank on Mondays.  And on a day like today, due to the overcast morning after an evening of rain...I'm straight out giddy.  After throwing in a load of laundry, I've already grabbed my camera and taken some photos including my yummy hot chai and some raindrops on roses out back (I can't type that without singing.... these are a few of my favorite things.  So now do I have YOU singing it?? ;).   And Penny sits next to me (because she likes to follow me into every room I go into) I'm catching myself regularly sighing in peace as I sip my chai and type this to you.  

I super love my family, and if I had to choose to be alone or be with them, I'd totally choose to be with them.  But sometimes being home in a quiet house is super nice too.  

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