Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fall = Sports

Fall starts for us with the start of school.  Seriously, one day it's summer and the very next day it's fall, like turning a page.  It might not technically be fall, but for us... it's fall.  And then after that we start to notice the trickle of signs that have already been showing themselves but we now can see.  Spider webs start popping up on our walk to school.  We start seeing some of the tree's leaves changing colors.  

And then.... the sports start.  I'm not talking about the professional sports that of course are happening at the same time.  I'm talking kids sports. We start hearing about a friend's daughter who is running her very first high school cross country race. Or about another friend who will be juggling three tournament games all in one day.  And I'm telling you, I LOVE it.  We say goodbye to our open weekends, but we're getting something so special in return.  I love hearing about all these kids being active outdoors (or in) and triumphing in areas that they've worked hard and practiced for.  And I really love it when I can see it firsthand with my own kiddos. 

Today started my girl's soccer season and in two weeks my boy's football season will kickoff.  And today's was just amazing.  Marin's team played so well together....dribbling, passing....really playing.  They ran all over the field, all over the little scatter of brown and yellow leaves freshly fallen, cheering each other on and having a BALL.  

The cherry on top?  Marin's field for the season is at their school...walking distance.  When we moved into this home I had visions of my kids playing there, us watching from the sidelines.  But then year after year, we'd be driving off to other fields and seeing other teams playing at 'our' field in our rearview mirrors.  So this morning as we got ready for the game, we got a backpack for our girl to carry her water and put chairs on our backs, put Pennylicious on a leash and walked to Marin's game. *Big cheesy smile here* Funny, because we did get some looks.  Someone even stopped to ask where we were going.  But we completely embraced and enjoyed our little jaunt.  And then thoroughly enjoyed the most rockin' first game of the season!

Oh!  And did I mention my girl scored a goal???  ;)


  1. I love Marin's games... she gets sooo into it. Gotta make a game soon, congratulations on your first goal of the season Mariney!!

  2. I love this post. It made me feel happy and excited. I love my busy weekends and my kids loving what they are doing. I would not have it any other way :-) Go Marin! Way to go!

  3. Fall is my favorite season. Are the spiders getting ready for Holloween? Love Mom
